New Magento 2.0 Resources and Support for PHP7

Magento Enterprise Edition and Community Edition 2.0.1 are now available and feature important security and functional updates, including official support for PHP7.0.2. With PHP7, merchants can benefit from dramatic performance improvements, drastically reduced memory consumption, and brand-new language features. More information about PHP7 and other updates is provided in the COMMUNITY and ENTERPRISE EDITION release notes.
There are also several new tools and resources available to help you learn more about Magento 2.0 coding patterns and accelerate the implementation of new sites and migrations – saving you both time and money.
Magento Code Migration Toolkit: This toolkit provides scripts that ease the process of migrating custom Magento 1.x code, layouts and configurations to Magento 2.0 by automating some of the most time-consuming conversion tasks, enabling you to focus on the more important refactoring processes. The toolkit can be customized to fit the needs of a specific project and produces code that follows Magento 2.0 best practices. The Toolkit and documentation is available at HTTPS://GITHUB.COM/MAGENTO/CODE-MIGRATION.
Code Samples: A repository of code samples is available on GitHub to demonstrate new technologies introduced in Magento 2.0, such as interception and service contract usage. These examples will help you quickly learn to implement new coding patterns and technologies. You can find code samples at HTTPS://GITHUB.COM/MAGENTO/MAGENTO2-SAMPLES. Additional samples will be added over time, so be sure to check back regularly for updates.
Magento Mobile Application Sample: A new sample Magento Mobile Application showcasing catalog browsing features is now available to Magento Enterprise Edition Merchants. Designed to help accelerate development, the sample app demonstrates how you can create an Apple iOS 8+ app using Magento 2.0 APIs. The app includes key screens like the category tree, product listings, product details, login, user account info, and more. In addition to Magento features, you can further customize the sample app to take advantage of native mobile capabilities. The Magento Mobile Application is available in MY ACCOUNT under the Magento Enterprise Edition 2.X downloads section.
There are many other resources available to help you learn more about Magento 2.0. Be sure to review the DEVDOCS site, visit the MAGENTO FORUMS, and check out our MAGENTO U COURSES. Happy coding!
Feb 13, 2016
Feb 12, 2016
Feb 12, 2016
Feb 12, 2016
Feb 12, 2016